Friday, September 08, 2006

For me.

I have some new goals. By Saturday my goal is to loose 12 lbs of FAT. The remaining pound I'm going to work on between Saturday and June 1st - lottsa time. This "challenge" thingey I've been doing is week 10; so I'm calling it a wrap and chalking it up as success. Success because there is a fucking masterpiece underneath my hibernation coat but I can't get the damn coat off. I bought a chin-up bar today so once the fat is gone what will remain is a female version of Arnold. Say hello to my back - "hello Tracey's back".

I'm starting a new program. I found it on T-Nation, I've read about it for months - reviews, questions asked & answered. I have many boyfriends there and one has taken a bit of shining to me and has helped alot, ie. suggestions as far as how I can incorporate "my home gym" into it (yeah, yeah, I'm going, I'm going to the gym). I am a bit worried about the deadlifts. I do them but the more I read the more I worry about my form, I could always just stand there in the mirror, leave the bar & weights on the floor, stick my ass out and check out my form. Form is form. Here's the link if you're interested:

There's a second version which from what I've read most people go on to. I've read nothing but positive results and have seen great pics. Of course these people are far more advanced than I but I'm hoping for the best. I like this Chad Waterbury, I like all his articles and another program of his I'd consider is TBT - Total Body Training but I think I'm several months away from that. Again, if anyone is interested here's the link for that one:

Good articles I think.

Now let us all fall to our knees and pray. Use rosary beads or voodoo - whatever you got, give it to me; Saturday is only 5 days away. And lets be careful with any witchcraft or voodoo you aim my way.

posted by Tracey at 6:05 PM

Kim Rush 2112 said...

Whoa dude....

That is a NASTY woman/

Well, good luck to you on your endeavor. I know you can do it. You are a big inspiration for us all. :)

Somebody please tell me that's a man in a dress...check out the size of it's shoes...I'm gonna have nightmares tonight. Thanks Tracey!
9:40 PM
Lori said...

I wouldn't call that a woman. That's disgusting.

Tracey, I have no doubt you will meet your goals. I think you look great already.

9:42 PM
Teresa Miranda said...

ROFL 12 lbs of fat by saturday me & you both! ;-)

No worries your gonna do great!

9:50 PM
Pamela said...

Ummm... when you figure out how to lose 12lbs of FAT by Sat...CALL MEEE..I wanna do that too...Hell I'm willing to give it till Sunday even if you can tell me how to do it!! :P
Ah heck call me anywho...I need a pep talk about your new program "excitement!"
11:05 PM
Deb said...

I'm sorry...I didn't really hear what you were just saying, what with the crunching from my Apple Jacks in my head and all.

Nice dress.

Is that Steve??
11:15 PM
Tracey said...

Pam - stick with the plan; FREE DAY IS SUNDAY!!!!!!

I knew something was off with that pic - its the shoes!!!! They ARE waaaay too big or maybe male/female transition person's bodyfat is high.

Nope Deb, regrettably it is not Steve. There's gotta be a way I can get Steve into a dress like this so I can post pics - he has way better hair; I could always give him a Toni to soften the look.
4:20 AM
Steve said...

I dont wear dresses....just the occasional blouse.

That 'creature' in the blue dress looks like a shockingly bad unconvincing transvestite.

I will chant at the moon for a few days and pray to the god of fat-loss, so that you can reach your goal....mind you, I might be busy at the gym.
7:36 AM
Jim the Muscle Head said...

This post has been removed by the author.
9:35 AM
Renée said...

Ack! Where do you find these pictures?!

Good luck on your new program.
10:14 AM
bethkk said...


I'm trying to do the same weight loss thing...need to wear a bathing suit starting Saturday! EEEK!
10:47 AM
Eileen said...


That second link does not have too many http's in there.

That t-nation stuff scares me...sounds like a good plan and all, but it also sounds like something to make you bigger. What if I am happy with my muscle SIZE now and just want to keep it, but get rid of the blubber? I sometimes think I just need to stop reading about "programs" and get my rear end out of this chair!

I'm expecting a knowledgeable answer to this one, since you've probably read up on even more "programs" than me!

Hugz....You can do it....Go Tracey!
11:17 AM
FV Tom said...

Hello Tracey's back. Nice to meet you.

Good luck losing that pound. I know you can do it. We'll be watching for your sucess.
11:24 AM
Jennifer said...

I'm so thrilled to hear that spark and drive coming from you again! I knew you had still had that desire! I think you look fabulous already, but I know you want to FEEL it again, so I can understand that! I can feel your energy from this posting from you..and I'm just so, so HAPPY!
1:44 PM
Dub said...

I've got your back. ;-).

keep the adventure exciting,

1:58 PM
Marcelle said...

Do you actually have 12 pounds of fat to spare? You look great. I loved your comments on tracker today. Made me laugh out loud.
2:52 PM
Thisisit! AKA Bubbleb*tt said...

Hey, that's my idol you are all harshing on! She can't help her manly features... she actually sews her own clothes -- you can't beat that! And no, her name is not Steve -- its Steverana to you.
3:21 PM
CentralOhioGuy said...

Kinda weird, I think I followed a link you posted on tracker to t-nation a while ago and found a lot of cool stuff over there.

I needed something more than BFL, as it was just getting too old and I wanted to do more than just loose weight. I found Chad's programs and was immediately hooked. I decided to try ABBH and have been at it since the begining of March. I have been doing a blog as my workout log.
4:46 PM
Tracey said...

marcelle - I can't figure out who you are on tracker

centralohio - I pm'd you on tracker and will follow your blog

jennifer - just call me "Sparky"

Eileen - I fixed the http you little whiner. Now lets see if I can answer your unanswerable question. I've thought about this before; the whole muscle weighs more than fat, takes less space blah blah is true but I think it applies best to overweight, completely out of shape. I think I can only do it if I apply to myself. Lets say last summer I was 15% and "X" size/measurements, so now I'm say 18-20% but regardless of weight I go down to 15% or even 13%. I truly believe I'm not going to be the same "size" I was last summer. You do get to the point where muscle grows "larger" but for us girls its slow and not painless; it takes alot of work. I can't really explain because I'm still confused and clueless but in the back of my mind more muscle = metabolism efficiency. At the same time I'm all over the map because I can swing from I'm eating too much thats why I'm not loosing weight to I'm eating too little and I've screwed my metabolism (no, no, no pig-out sessions do not factor in). So lets just say fat makes you fat; example, that lovely in the pic is not "fat". A little bigger but not much; I'll be long dead before I get "big" big and I've often thought not even steroids would work on me.

Does that answer your question? I hope not because I've just talked myself into a big knotted up mess again.

whew, lengthy without even saying anything
3:52 AM
Eileen said...

Clear as mud Tracey...

Actually I do understand...I think I have trouble wrapping my head around this stuff sometimes. For instance, you said you did GVT and you got bigger. The point of that "program" is to put on size and it seems to work, but how much do you want? Even without testosterone, surely there is still that ability to get more muscular than we (or maybe it's just me) want to be? I guess my point here is that if you're concerned about getting bigger, maybe a program designed to add significant muscle mass might do just that...get you bigger. This all gets a little mind boggling for me if I think about it too much, so instead I will stop now! Since I am eating out daily (too many contractors in and not fully operational) and not working out this week I really have no authority now, do I????
11:57 AM
Tracey said...

Yeah, that was a tad confusing wasn't it? Do a "volume" program, eat for it then wonder why I'm "bigger" then actually verbalize such.

Wait a minute Eileen, its all becoming clearer to me. The purpose of your think I'm too big don't you? You think I look like that thing in the blue dress don't you? You can say it ya know.
1:40 PM
Eileen said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...I do not think you are too big. You have commented a few times about working harder and harder, but getting bigger. Just thinking that maybe German VOLUME Training might be why there's more volume than you want???? I could have it all's happened before.

You don't look anything like that thing in the blue dress...but then again, there've been no pictures for a while, soooo....HOW DO WE KNOW FOR SURE?????
3:24 PM
Tracey said...

Trust me Eileen, close to the one in the pic. Only difference is I would never wear those shoes/boats with a dress like that.
3:59 PM
Eileen said...

But then again, you NEVER show your shoes in your pictures, so how can we be sure??????
6:35 PM
Karenna said...

*Sees Tracey's back, runs in other direction, sound of large shoes clomping behind ... *
3:09 PM
jennifer said...

Hey Tracey,
I decided that I would not post a comment on your blog until you could put in a link that acually worked!...ok, kidding! Back from Cali and stopped by to get a deliver as usual...

PS. If you are interested in doing something out of the norm, I can tell you how to put ON 12lbs. of fat by Saturday...but it will cost you...
3:53 PM
Tracey said...

Ooooooh, so Jennifers' back is she????

You really think YOU can tell ME how to put on weight? Step back little girl. You know some people think they can eat a bit and all of a sudden they're an expert on putting on weight. Just sit down & observe.

Little update for now. Still no chin-ups; 17 years away from doing 3. I've TOUCHED many many cookies but haven't eaten one. Touching cookies can stall weight loss.
8:47 PM

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