Monday, November 06, 2006


We'll get back to the game momentarily.

I have a job opening for an "Investigator" you can be "private" or not.

Here's the assignment:

Take this information and tell us what the fuck momma6 is talking about:

Um, yes, I am recieving hate mail. I don't recomend busting moves on Trolls cuz then they get all excited that someone took the hook. In fact don't eve "Vent" and check out of Tracker for the day, in fact try to stay off the top 20 cuz when your there you become food for foder! In fact....I am seriously wondering why I"m coming back to tracker these days at all....Then I remember Hardcore and ....that is why! The sad thing is that some of todays Trolls used to be the best and my favorite Trackers who have *GONE TO THE DARK SIDE* LOL, they'll settle down in a week or so then just poke around here and there. I won't be back on tracker till Monday or so. You all be careful what you say and to whom. I garuntee you there are trackers you thought you knew and you really don't!


1. I've looked into some of her recent posts - what would she be receiving "hate" mail for?

2. What exactly does this statement mean: "In fact don't eve "Vent" and check out of Tracker for the day" - don't get it.

3. Is she implying she's questioning her reasons for coming back to tracker is because she thinks its gimpy or is she ultra paranoid that its been infilterated? And by who? Her harcore members who are so hardcore that others are to be warned of this hardcore group if they are "sensitive"??? What the hell is she talking about?

4. Most importantly WHO are todays trolls that were the best & favourite tracker members that have "*GONE TO THE DARK SIDE* LOL" - who? who? who? I want names!!!!!!!

5. She claims: "You all be careful what you say and to whom. I garuntee you there are trackers you thought you knew and you really don't!" - again WHO? WHO? WHO? I want names!!!!!!

I've looked around, I see nothin. There are MODERATORS in place there, nothing is getting past them moderators.

Is it possible that momma6 is the only troll? The only ventor? Its she herself she speaks of when referring to favourite trackers going to the dark side? Is it her you thought you knew but now should be careful of her? Is she sending herself hate mail.

This is the assignment. Any takers? It really is a simple assignment - maybe just very politely raise these questions on tracker. And I don't want to hear any whining - as in everytime a question is asked its trolling. Its NOT trolling its JUST a fucking question.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Hint # 6:

I have this to say about everyone in blogger land that does BFL:

"For those who seek to live up other peoples arses, and call it support, they are deluded, they will never know how much, because their dillusion blinds them from the truth."

Who am I?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Back To The Game!!!!


Unfortunately no known pictures of our game host have been found. With the help of my prestigeous colleague M*rty, we were able to come up with a possible look alike using the latest technology based on facts. I'm pretty sure this is the same technique the FBI use when profiling their stalkers as well.

Where were we???

OH YES....

Hint # 5:

I don't watch adult movies, I hate such things, and yes I have watched a bit of one or two, but when I realised what they were I stopped watching them.


Sorry folks...repeat hint back there!

Hint # 6:

I left School at 16 with no Qualifications.

Who am I?