Tuesday, October 31, 2006



Are you bored with your current message board community?? Looking for more fun? Looking for laughs? Looking for a fitness community where you are allowed to be yourself?? Looking for a place where you can express your REAL opinion? Curious to know how the other half lives?


After receiving numerous inquiries for entry on our Message Boards from folks who need something more than they are currently getting from MY BLENDS, I've decided to open the doors.

Please send your application to dointimemessageboards@yahoo.com . Please include the user name you will be using on the boards. All applications will be held in confidence.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Let's Play A Game!!!

Hi Gang!!! It's Deb!!

It's been a while gang and I'm feeling playful!!!

It's time for a game of WHO AM I??? I'm gonna give you guys HINTS, and you guys get to guess!!!

Sound like fun????

Alrighty then......AND REMEMBER!!! DON'T GUESS TOO QUICKLY because it'll ruin the fun for everyone!!!! In fact...many many many of you will know almost immediately who this is but just for fuck sakes.....let it drag on and on, shall we?? I'll letcha know when you can guess for real for real.

Hint # 1:

I am a single male. I am in my 30's. I'm a clerk in a home depot style store earning minimum wage. I once had an operation when I was 15 to remove my foreskin to help me urinate. Other kids knew I had this surgery and made jokes like one, two three foreskin or oneskin, twoskin, threeskin......but I laughed them off. This confused people. BUT HEY!!! I'm over it. Sadly, I was unable to keep it.

Hint # 2:

I am a virgin. I would never give myself to someone or someone who offered it to me on a plate. I have more to give a female than a climax. I have never been kissed, well not in the boy on girl sense.

Hint # 3:

I have a yellow Toothbrush I have been using since I was 8. It's like on old friend.

Hint # 4 :

I don't watch adult movies, I hate such things, and yes I have watched a bit of one or two, but when I realised what they were I stopped watching them.

Oh yeah...and!! I can't ride a bike.

Who am I ??

* For those of you having great difficulty figuring this out (I'm sure there are MANY), I will provide another hint soon!!!

C'mon back now!!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Hawaiian Hurricane Relief Fund

.....NEED MONEY.....


Saturday, October 07, 2006


Dear John from Glasgow,

I would like to thank you for visiting Tracey's blog. I visited your blog in return this morning. You're kindda cute! I see Suz has already been there. Twice. If you nurture that relationship, there is good chance you could score some overseas phone sex!

I have no clue who you are but I felt today, I owed you an update. This is Deb by the way. If you visit the My Blends are total weenies site then you should know who I am. They refer to me as "SHE".

To answer your questions:

The hound dog has left. His name was Dickhead. He was a big dopey dog that we kicked once. Some dogs wait to be kicked over and over and over....not our little Dickhead. He took his little bone and left. Fear not though...when the laundry is done, the books are read, the house is cleaned and his intricate workout has been analyzed to death...he'll be back.

Steve has not gone. Tracey keeps kicking the living shit outta that poor under nourished little bundle of joy and he just sits there wagging his bushy long tail hoping for a treat. A Humane Society intervention may be in order.

The Kevin guy. Those pictures, though no longer available for public viewing, (Can I get a collective "THANK YOU!") , are still available upon request. He has asked everyone to turn a blind eye to his postings and "secret" anal sexual desires and just ignore me. It's been a quite effective little tactic!! Oh by the way, if you are into: one on one, groups, anal, parties, orgies, gang bangs, friends with benefits, couples seeking partners, shaving, exhibitionism, interracial, voyeurism, bisexual, "homo bodybuilding", body piercings, sex on the first date, beer and bowling.......HAVE I GOTTA GUY FOR YOU!

Udenia is still with us. She's here actually checking in several times a day. She's using the computers on the military base to do it. It's quite comforting to know that some of our tax dollars are being used so Udenia can keep up with all the exciting news happening here on Tracey's blog. *Quick...jot that down Udenia!!!...today's date is October 7th"

I hope this was helpful to you John!! If you have any further questions....please do not hesitate to ask!

Best Regards,

Friday, October 06, 2006

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aging hound dog.

Tan in color with speckled gray spots.

Pretends to be ferocious but is easily calmed with cheesecake.

Last seen humping anything in sight.

Answers to DickHead.

If found, please contact me at 1-800-Krispy-Is-One-Hot-Bitch

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Hi guys!

It's Deb!!

Today was day ONE of the rest of my new life.

I've started working out and eating right. Unfortunately though, I feel like my workout needs to be tweaked or simply 're-done'. I don't wanna pay anyone and would rather not even know this person in real life. In fact, it's not even important that they aren't qualified to help me. I just kindda want to know they think I have nice tits.

Anyone know anyone that could help me out??


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Another Day Begins....

and Dickhead still isn't here. It's amazing how long a day can seem. Deep deep sigh...........

Dickhead....phone home.


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Dear DickHead...


It's KK.

I demand you get your ass back home now. The children are all crying and restless. We have no bread and milk and I'm horny.

