Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Kitchen Pictures

The kitchen is no longer white. Its a "none-colour". Its not gray, its not beige, its not taupe, its sorta clay but suggests no colour. Sometimes it has a mauve hue to it, sometimes olive or khaki.

The first one is with flash, second without flash - neither doesn't quite show the right colour. The one with Maurice is at night and it can be quite dark. Walls, cupboards (semi-gloss), ceiling and all trim (SG) are the same colour.

Haven't decided what to do about window coverings, am thinking of sheer blinds - the ones that let light in but at the same time block the sun, same type of effect as linen but its stiff.

No, I don't love it therefore I probably never will.

Monday, January 08, 2007


Christmas Eve - wacky winter everywhere. This should be completely snow covered, Lake Superior completely frozen with huge sheets of ice piled up on shore.

Our smoking area (a very unhospitable home indeed - they didn't even provide smoking jackets). Me in Steve's coat, Dayna in my dad's shoes.

Various Christmas morning.

Auntie Bopper

Chloe is so cute.

Alexis is so pretty.

My dad's gift to me & Dayna - wine glasses to hold goldfish (yeah, thats Brock with the facial hair - its very slimming on him. My dad didn't want to let him in the house looking like that. He shaved Christmas Day for my grandmother.